You can create random XML File Data by pressing Generate button. XML File Data contains File Name, Directory Path, Common File Name, Mime Type, Common File Type, Common File Ext, File Type, File Ext, Semver, Version, Exception, Android Id, Apple Push Token, BlackBerry Pin columns. You can replace the number of rows in XML Data with Row Count. XML File Data Generator helps you create Random Online XML Data.

Generate Random XML File Data Options
XML Data Row Count:
XML Data Length:
XML Most Frequent Value:
XML Most Frequent Value Count:
XML Tag Count:
XML All Tags:

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XmlGen Info

What are the Differences Between HTML and XML?

To make it clear what distinguishes one from the other, here we list the main differences between XML and HTML:

  • XML is a text-based markup language that has a self-defining structure and can effectively describe another markup language. On the other hand, HTML is a predefined formatting language and has limited capabilities;
  • XML provides the logical structure of the document, while the HTML structure is öpredefined using headers and&body tags;
  • When it comes to language, HTML is not case sensitive. Instead, XML is case sensitive;
  • HTML has been designed with an emphasis on the presentation properties of data. In contrast, XML is öprivate to data;
  • XML does not allow any errors in the code. In contrast, minor errors are negligible in HTML;
  • White spaces in
  • XML' are for a specific purpose; It is used for, because HTML considers all characters, instead it can ignore white spaces;
  • With XML tags necessarily closed, an open tag in HTML can also work quite well;
  • It is very important in XML syntax. HTML on the other hand, this aspect he doesn't really care.

What is used for XML files?

XML files are files used by various applications because they refer to files written in the Extensible Markup Language. This is a format that contains tags and uses it for object definition as well as attributes. These files are somewhat similar in formatting to an HTML document, but use special tags to describe the data. These XML files are common methods for storing and transferring data from various applications over the Internet and can be edited in any text editor as they come in text documents. These XML files can not only be opened using any text editor, but can also be created with any text editor. The only difference is that this format has stricter rules, because These files need to be well formatted and valid, especially when it comes to XML documents and data validity. The best feature of this file type is that it is very flexible and simple, which makes it really condescending to overcome the difficulties faced by users using this XML format.