A Bitcoin address is a string of alphanumeric characters that represents a destination for a Bitcoin payment. It is similar to a bank account number, but unlike traditional bank accounts, Bitcoin addresses are not linked to a person's name or other personal information. Each address is unique and can be used to send or receive Bitcoin transactions on the blockchain.

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What are the performance trade-offs and limitations associated with XML validation?

XML validation can be resource-intensive, especially for large and complex XML documents, as it requires parsing the entire document and checking every element and attribute against the defined rules and constraints. This can result in longer processing times and higher computational demands, which can impact the overall performance and scalability of a data processing system. Additionally, the complexity of the validation rules and constraints can also affect the performance, as more complex rules require more computational resources to process. Therefore, it is important to design and implement XML validation rules and constraints in an efficient and scalable manner to minimize performance impacts.