Product data refers to the information and specifications related to a particular product that is sold or marketed by a company. It includes various attributes such as the product name, description, category, price, availability, weight, dimensions, color, material, manufacturer, and SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) number. Other product data may include technical details such as the product's model number, product code, EAN/UPC barcodes, and any certifications it may have. Having accurate and complete product data is essential for effective inventory management, order fulfillment, and e-commerce operations.

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How does XML support the integration of data from various sources and formats?

XML supports data integration from various sources and formats by providing a common syntax for structuring data, making it possible to standardize the representation of data. This allows data from different sources to be represented in a consistent format, making it easier to exchange and integrate data between different applications and systems. The use of XML schemas, which are definitions of the structure and content of XML data, further enhances XML's ability to support data integration by defining specific rules for how data should be structured and validated. With these tools, XML provides a flexible and scalable framework for data integration, making it a valuable technology for managing complex data sets and facilitating data sharing and collaboration.