EAN-8 (European Article Number 8) is a type of barcode that is similar to EAN-13, but with a shorter code length of 8 digits. It is also used to identify products for retail sale in Europe and other parts of the world, but is typically used for smaller products where space for a longer barcode is limited.

Like EAN-13, EAN-8 barcodes are widely used in the retail industry and are recognized by point-of-sale (POS) systems and scanners in supermarkets, stores, and other retail outlets. They allow for fast and accurate tracking of products, inventory management, and sales data analysis.

EAN-8 codes follow the same format as EAN-13, with the first two digits identifying the country of origin, the next five digits identifying the product, and the final digit being a checksum. EAN-8 data can be stored and managed in various formats, such as databases, spreadsheets, or XML documents, and can be accessed and displayed using various applications or platforms, such as barcode scanning software or inventory management systems.

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What is the role of XML in the development of mobile applications and mobile-friendly data management?

XML can play a role in the development of mobile applications and mobile-friendly data management by providing a standardized, flexible and scalable format for storing and exchanging data between mobile devices and back-end systems. The use of XML enables developers to create mobile applications that can easily receive, process and transmit data, while maintaining compatibility and data consistency across different platforms and operating systems. Additionally, XML can be used to define the structure and format of the data being exchanged, providing a more robust and organized way to handle data in mobile environments.