Latitude data refers to the geographic coordinate system used to specify the north-south position of a point on the Earth's surface. It is measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds, with the equator as the reference point for 0 degrees latitude. The latitude of a point can range from 90 degrees north (the North Pole) to 90 degrees south (the South Pole).

Latitude data is used in various applications and systems, such as mapping and navigation tools, weather forecasting, and scientific research. It can be used to locate a point on a map or globe, calculate distances and directions between points, and determine the amount of sunlight and daylight received at a particular location.

Latitude data can be stored and managed in various formats, such as databases, spreadsheets, or XML documents. It may also be accessed and displayed using various applications or platforms, such as online maps, data visualization tools, or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

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How does XML handle data compression and decompression for efficient data transfer?

XML does not inherently handle data compression and decompression. This task is usually performed by the application layer or by a separate utility before the data is transmitted or stored. Data can be compressed using algorithms such as GZIP or ZIP to reduce the size of the XML file and improve transmission speed. The receiver can then decompress the data to retrieve the original XML file. There are also XML-specific compression formats like XZ and MXL that are designed to compress XML data more efficiently. However, these formats are less commonly used compared to general-purpose compression algorithms.