VIN stands for Vehicle Identification Number. It is a unique code of 17 characters that is assigned to every vehicle manufactured after 1980. It serves as a unique identifier of the vehicle and contains information such as the country of origin, manufacturer, model, and year of production. The VIN is usually stamped on the dashboard on the driver's side of the vehicle and is also listed on the vehicle registration and title.

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Is XML dying?

No, XML is not dying. Despite its limitations and criticisms, XML remains a widely used and supported format for data representation and exchange.

In recent years, new formats have emerged, such as JSON and YAML, that offer some advantages over XML for certain use cases, but XML continues to be widely adopted and used in many industries and applications.

Moreover, XML has a long history of usage and a large community of developers and users who continue to maintain and enhance the format, making it unlikely to fade into obscurity in the near future.