Weekday data is information that represents a day of the week. It is usually represented as a string or integer that corresponds to the day of the week. For example, Sunday might be represented as "0" or "Sunday", Monday as "1" or "Monday", and so on. Weekday data is often used in programming for tasks such as scheduling or organizing data by day of the week.

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What is the difference between XSD and DTD validation in XML?

XSD (XML Schema Definition) and DTD (Document Type Definition) are two different approaches to defining the structure of an XML document.

XSDs, on the other hand, are more powerful and provide a more comprehensive set of validation rules. XSDs can be used to define data types, element and attribute definitions, and complex content models. XSDs also support namespaces, which allow multiple XSDs to be combined and used together in a single document.

In summary, XSD is a more advanced and powerful validation mechanism compared to DTD, and is the preferred choice for modern XML applications that require more complex validation rules and features.