Collation refers to the rules that determine how text data is sorted and compared in a database or software application. It determines the order of characters and how they are compared, taking into account factors such as language, character encoding, and case sensitivity. Collation is particularly important when working with multilingual data, where different languages have different sorting rules. Collation can affect the performance and accuracy of database searches, as well as the correctness of sorting and comparison operations in software applications.

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Who invented XML?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) was invented by a team led by Jon Bosak, who was the Chair of the XML Working Group at the time. The group was part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international standards organization that develops web technologies.

In 1996, the XML Working Group was formed to create a standard for structured data on the web. Jon Bosak played a key role in guiding the development of XML, and his team included Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, and several others.

XML was first introduced in February 1998, when the W3C released the first version of the XML 1.0 specification. Since then, XML has become a widely used format for storing and exchanging data, and it has influenced the development of other markup languages such as XHTML and RSS.