Street address data refers to information related to a specific street address, such as the name of the street, the house or building number, and any additional information necessary to locate the address within a given geographic region.

Street address data is typically used for identifying and locating specific properties, businesses, or individuals within a particular area.

Street address data can be stored and managed in various formats, such as databases, spreadsheets, or XML documents. It may also be accessed and displayed using various mapping or geolocation tools, such as Google Maps or OpenStreetMap.

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How has XML evolved since its creation and what advancements can we expect in the future?

Since its creation, XML has become widely adopted as a standard for data storage and exchange, and has evolved in response to the growing needs of various industries and applications. Some of the advancements in XML include improved support for complex data structures, standardized methods for data validation, and better integration with other technologies such as web services and databases. In the future, we can expect XML to continue to evolve and adapt to changing requirements, with a focus on improving interoperability and making it easier to work with and process large amounts of data. Additionally, advancements in areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning may lead to new applications for XML in these fields.